The Uniform Soybean Tests: Northern Region 2020


The purpose of The Uniform Soybean Tests is to critically evaluate the best of the experimental soybean lines developed by federal and state research personnel in the U.S. and Canada, for their potential release as new varieties. A test is established for each of ten maturity groups. Uniform Test 00 includes maturity Group 00 strains adapted to production in the northern fringe of the present area of soybean production. Uniform Tests 0 through IV include later maturing strains adapted to locations progressively further south in the North Central States and areas of similar latitude. Each year new selections are added and others that have been sufficiently tested are dropped from the tests. The summary of performance of strains in Uniform Tests 00 through IV in the northern region is included in this report. The USDA-ARS Soybean Production Research Unit, P.O. BOX 345, STONEVILLE, MS 38776, issues the report on Uniform Tests IVS through VIII in the southern states. Data from the Uniform Soybean Tests are the basis for decisions on the regional release of soybean varieties. Preliminary Tests are grown at a limited number of locations throughout the region to evaluate the experimental strains for one year before they are dropped or advanced in the Uniform Tests. Uniform Tests are grown at more locations with more replications than Preliminary Tests. The Uniform Soybean Test Report is a progress report containing statements, which may or may not be verified by subsequent experiments. Statements or data in the report, therefore, should not be published unless those concerned have obtained permission previously. The USDA-Agricultural Research Service does not vouch for the authenticity of either the parentage or ancestry of entries in the Uniform Soybean Tests. This agency is not responsible for the accuracy of data submitted to and included in The Uniform Test Report. Germplasm exchange among breeding programs is the foundation of breeding progress. The purpose of the Uniform Soybean Test is to facilitate the free exchange of germplasm to maximize genetic diversity and provide well-adapted, stable breeding lines and varieties in the pursuit of breeding progress. Participants are encouraged to exchange germplasm within the legal guidelines pertaining to transgenic strains

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