Social Stratification and Health in Dynastic Egypt: The Differential Effect of Disease Among the Elite and Working Classes


Social stratification in Dynastic Egypt between the elite and working class is suspected to have created differential health conditions for these two social classes. It is hypothesized that due to differing living conditions, resulting in varying levels of exposure to infectious pathogens, workloads, and quality of diet, the elite and working class will have dissimilar health conditions. Specifically, it is expected that the working class of Dynastic Egypt suffered ill health more often, and more severely, than the elite. The health conditions of the elite and working class were measured by the prevalence of the density-dependent disease tuberculosis, the workload-related disease osteoarthritis, and the diet-related dental caries. Analysis of these three diseases revealed that the elite and working class suffered from tuberculosis equally, due to similar living conditions. The working class was shown to have suffered more from osteoarthritis, due to lifetimes of heavy labor. However, the elite were shown to have suffered more from dental caries resulting from their diet rich in refined foods and sweets

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