peer-reviewedVisual Soil Evaluation (VSE) methods are established for soil quality assessment and focus
on the examination of soil structure and associated anthropogenic impacts. VSE techniques,
of which numerous types exist, are successfully used internationally both in soil research and
as sustainable soil management tools. Techniques are generally categorised into profile and
spade methods. Profile methods examine entire soil profiles in soil-pits to depths of ~ 1.5 m,
exploring interactions between inherent soil features and anthropic management at specific
sample points. Spade methods examine the upper soil profile, often by extracting sample
blocks of topsoil by spade and focus on anthropic impacts. The VESS method (Guimarães et
al., 2011) is a widely used spade method and involves assessment of soil sample blocks to 25
cm depth. However, in arable soils, important structural features may occur just below this
depth such as plough pans, which VESS may not capture. The SubVESS method (Ball et al.,
2015) follows principles of VESS but allows assessment to ~ 1 m depth. However, the later
involves soil-pit excavation by mechanical means, which may be destructive, costly, time
consuming and limit replication. When used in on-farm situations by farmers or advisors, full
soil-pit excavation may not be desirable. Here we describe a method previously outlined
(Emmet-Booth et al. 2018) called the Double Spade Method (DS) designed to examine miniprofiles
in soil pits to 40 cm depth, therefore capturing potential structural features below the
VESS assessment depth, without requiring full soil-pit excavation