Past Perceptions, Present Usage: Latinx Students and Academic Libraries


Over the last two decades, the population of Latinx students enrolled in higher education has increased by 142%, but they are still underrepresented overall. According to 2015 United States census data, only 16% of Hispanic adults have a Bachelor’s degree or higher compared to 54% of Asian Americans, 36% of (non-Hispanic) white people, and 23% of Black people. The needs of Latinx students in higher education are obviously not being met. Academic libraries have long seen themselves as integral to student success, but there is little research about how they are (or are not) serving Latinx students specifically. The IFLA/UNESCO Multicultural Library Manifesto states that “as libraries serve diverse interests and communities, they function as learning, cultural, and information centers,” and called for all library types to “reflect, support and promote cultural and linguistic diversity.

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