
Aspects of slurry management on pig farms.


End of Project ReportThe objectives of manure or slurry management on intensive pig farms are the provision of adequate slurry storage capacity and the efficient recycling of the slurry nutrients for crop production. However, recent surveys of pig slurry dry matter suggest there is excessive dilution of raw pig slurry with water. This has two important implications for management. The first is greater storage capacity will be required due to the increased volume of slurry generated. Slurry storage is expensive. For example, a 350 sow unit adding 10 weeks storage needs to invest £50,000. Secondly, evidence from the literature indicates an improved slurry nitrogen efficiency with the more dilute manure. The results of field trials showed that higher dry matter pig slurries reduced the relative efficiency of pig slurry nitrogen for second cut silage production. This is probably linked to reduced ammonia volatilisation losses, consequent to the less viscous nature of dilute slurry which permits a more rapid infiltration of the ammonium nitrogen into the soil. The use of a band spreader or shallow injection rather than the conventional splash plate were shown to increase the efficiency of pig slurry nitrogen for grass silage production. Therefore, the potential for the higher pig slurry dry matter, required for cost effective storage/ handling costs, to reduce the efficiency of its nitrogen for grass silage production can be partially offset by using band spreaders or shallow injection spreading systems. These have the added advantage of reducing odour emissions from the land spreading operation.Teagasc Walsh Fellowship Programm

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