
2014-15 proved the most productive year to date for undergraduate research at VSU and for the Omnino journal. The editors received a record number of submissions and we are pleased with the outstanding quality of research found in the pages of this year’s volume 5. We are also proud of the wide array of academic disciplines represented in the journal. In this volume, we showcase research from numerous departments, including Biology, Communication Arts, English, History, Math and Computer Science, Philosophy and Religious Studies, and Political Science. To be sure, such a range of contributions is a multidisciplinary feat of which VSU can be proudDoes the Bible Prohibit Homosexuality? An Exegetical Approach to Genesis 19:4-9 and Leviticus 18:22; 20:13 by Sandra Y. G. Jones; Additional Evidence for Reciprocal Monophyly of Hagfish Subfamilies Myxininae and Eptatretinae: a Class Exercise in Phylogenetics by Charles B. Cortez, Chelsea M. Desbiens, Ryndell E. Langford, Malcolm M. McCray, Wellington D. Palmer, Codie R. Picariello, Jennifer Rivera, Michael K. Simmons, and Bradley D. Owens; Review of Possible Causes, Effects, and Remedies for Metal Pollution in the Environment by Rachel Thomason; The Paxton Political Motive by Tyler Hembree; Technologies and Advances in Self-Driving Cars by David R. Gully; Experiencing Comedy: How Synthetic Judgment and Experience Dictate What is Funny by Jonathan Lollar; Tunisia and the Arab Spring: Democracy on the Horizon? by Chase Kelly The Historical Oppression of Native Culture and Its Effect on the Issue of Healthcare Between Western and Native Societies by Sydney Beckmann Masculine Empire in Haggard's She by Marlana Hufstetler An Introduction of Knapp's Relational Stage Model & Walker's Cycle of Violence in Intimate Partner Violence Relationships by Elizabeth J. MerrittFACULTY ADVISOR: Dr. Anne Greenfield; MANAGING EDITOR: Erica Even; STUDENT EDITORS: Daniel Miller, Kailyn Middleton; GRAPHIC DESIGNER: Michael LaGon; COVER IMAGE: "Before Our Burdens We Were Stars"by Brandon Moultrie

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