Seize the Hamptons: We Should All Get the Chance to Escape the City and Enjoy Leisure - Without the Hefty Ecological Footprint


Central park was once the greenest piece of Manhattan. Now environmentalists and politicians trumpet the city\u27s towers and subway tunnels, emblems of energy-efficient density, as the island\u27s greatest assets. With global warming threatening to kill millions a year, and inter-state negotiations stalled, pro-density planning is an increasingly vogue strategy for cutting carbon emissions. The basic idea is sound. Cluster home, work, and services and you reduce car traffic and improve daily life. Assemble people in large buildings and they\u27ll use energy more efficiently. Everyone is jumping on board — from big think tanks and international institutes to progressive planners and politicians. Make the suburbs more like Manhattan — or at least Brooklyn — they shout, and we\u27ll get more livable cities that also mitigate global warming

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