Promoting Academic Capital Formation Among Urban Youth: City-Wide Approaches


The many benefits of increased levels of educational attainment to both individuals and society are well-established (Bailey & Mindle, 2003; Baum, Ma, & Payea, 2010; Cook & King, 2004). With increased levles of educational attainment come higher average earnings, lower rates of poverty, lower likelihood of unemployment, better working conditions, improved health, and a host of other individual benefits (Baum et al., 2010). Society benefits from higher educational attainment through increases in taxes paid, lower rates of dependence on social welfare programs, and greater civic engagement (Baum et al., 2010). By providing a more qualified workforce, increased educational attainment can also be a tool for promoting economic growth and revitalization, particularly in our nation\u27s urban areas (Miller-Adams, 2006)

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