A Feature-Based Lexicalized Tree Adjoining Grammar for Korean


This document describes an on-going project of developing a grammar of Korean, the Korean XTAG grammar, written in the TAG formalism and implemented for use with the XTAG system enriched with a Korean morphological analyzer. The Korean XTAG grammar described in this report is based on the TAG formalism (Joshi et al. (1975)), which has been extended to include lexicalization (Schabes et al. (1988)), and unification-based feature structures (Vijay-Shanker and Joshi (1991)). The document first describes the modifications that we have made to the XTAG system (The XTAG-Group (1998)) to handle rich inflectional morphology in Korean. Then various syntactic phenomena that can be currently handled are described, including adverb modification, relative clauses, complex noun phrases, auxiliary verb constructions, gerunds and adjunct clauses. The work reported here is a first step towards the development of an implemented TAG grammar for Korean, which is continuously updated with the addition of new analyses and modification of old ones

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