Optomechanical Design and Analysis for Nanosatellite Laser Communications


The CubeSat Laser Infrared CrosslinK (CLICK) mission is a technology demonstration of a 1.5U laser communications terminal for an intersatellite link. The terminal is deployed on a pair of 3U CubeSats in Low Earth Orbit (LEO). The pointing, acquisition, and tracking (PAT) approach includes both coarse and fine systems. The coarse tracking system uses a beacon laser transmitter and receiver camera. The fine tracking system uses a fast steering mirror and quadrant photodiode. The communications transmit and receive paths include a refractive telescope, transmit laser collimator, and avalanche photodetector (APD) receiver. The communications laser full-width, half maximum (FWHM) beam divergence angle is 14.6 arcseconds, and the beacon laser FWHM divergence is 0:75° (2700 arcseconds). The opto-mechanical design process includes prediction & verification of assembly alignment & calibration, thermoelastic effects, structural modes & static loading, and fastener analysis. The opto-mechanical assembly has the sensors and laser transmitters kinematically mounted to enable on-ground calibration to less than 25.4 mm decenter, or 0.1° tip/tilt. The thermoelastic alignment error between the payload and bus star tracker is estimated via finite element analysis to be less than 9 arcseconds. The payload optical bench is designed with custom thermal isolation and control to maintain 20 ± 10 ° C. The thermal modeling of the payload is described in detail. Structural static loading and fastener analyses of the CLICK payload under launch loads of 30 G verify margins of safety are greater than 10 and above the recommended values. Modal analyses predict the first resonant frequency to be 888 Hz, above typical vehicle structural vibration ranges with a factor of safety greater than 3.5

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