Social Uprisings: Conceptualization, Measurement, Causes and Implications


The PhD thesis titled Social Uprisings: Conceptualization, Measurement, Causes and Implications consists of four stand alone papers. The first two papers are the essential building blocks to the overall thesis. The first paper provides the conceptualization of social uprisings. Upon the findings of the first paper, the social uprisings composite indicator (SUCI) is constructed in a co-authored second paper with Prof. Hayo. The final two papers are applications for the study of social uprisings using the newly constructed SUCI. The first paper is titled Conceptualizing Social Uprisings. The paper starts by identifying the gap in literature in the study of revolutions. Researchers criticize the ambiguity of the term revolution. It is interesting that this criticism has been reported in extant literature to researchers as early as Yoder (1926) and it is still validated by Beck (2014). Despite the advancement of research methods and various papers published on the topic of revolution. It appears that the term does not have a consensus for its meaning

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