An Educational Platform for Small Satellite Development with Proximity Operation Capabilities


An alternative to ground testing of small satellites is presented here, where the kinematics of a 3U underactuated CubeSat operating in 3 degrees-of-freedom (DOF) is reproduced by an omnidirectional wheeled platform, while satellite dynamics are simulated in real-time. The system is equipped with a relative navigation sensor in the form factor of a smartphone, the Smartphone Video Guidance Sensor (SVGS), allowing the platform to reproduce proximity operation maneuvers. The wheeled platform is used as an educational tool for students over a large range of academic levels, from high school to graduate school. A derivation of the kinematic relationship from satellite dynamics to rotacaster wheel velocities is presented, along with the guidance and control laws of the system. Simulation and experimental results demonstrate that the wheeled platform was able to successfully replicate detumble, slew, and attitude hold maneuvers of a 3U CubeSat

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