The University of Leon, inside the Studies of Library an Information Science, lectures two
subjects which contents are addressed to the knowledge of audiovisual and multimedia
The purpose of the subject Analysis of Documental Content is the treatment of the documental
messages and how to retrieval them. The third session is focused on the representation and the
retrieval of sound, visual, audiovisual and multimedia documents. Before approaching the
documental analysis of the audiovisual document, it has to be exposed the peculiarities of the
sound and iconic codes. Then, we introduce the students in the analysis of the audiovisual
documents, as well as mixed image-sound, diachronic and non decodificable documents, directly
through the senses. Finally, the peculiarities of the digital document are taught, where it is very
important its characteristics of multimedia, text integrator, image and sound. The separation
between content and support makes that these documents, besides mixed (different codes), be
distributed (in many files) and be dynamic (easily modified). These characteristics involve new
necessities of treatment that are outlined as corollary of this subject.The subject Multimedia Documentation has as a main goal to introduce the students in the
elements of the multimedia documentation; that is, the analysis, treatment, conversion and
management of sound, image and video documents, used as information transmitter or
knowledge transmitter elements. In a first session, there’s an introduction to the materials, to the
associated hardware elements, and to the management and obtaining of the characteristics of the
integrating elements in a multimedia environment. In a second session it is established the
techniques of the model of multimedia documentation, where the student learns to integrate the
different elements that he will employ in the practical development. The basic models that are
used are the ones addressed to the interface, to the provisional characteristics and hyperlinks.
Finally, multimedia applications are made, and they allow to prove what was done during the
model process