The Ecology of New World Rodent Borne Hemorrhagic Fevers


Few, if any, human settlements are free of peridomestic rodent populations. The threat of rodent borne zoonotic diseases has been widely recognized since the bubonic plague outbreaks of the Middle Ages. In the last decades, outbreaks of human disease caused by the rodent borne hemorrhagic fever viruses, the arenaviruses (family Arenaviridae), and the hantaviruses (family Bunyaviridae, genus Hantavirus) have again generated interest in the general public and scientific community regarding the biology of these types of diseases. Recent studies have identified more than 30 new members of these two groups of viruses. Most are associated with rodents in the family Muridae and many are known to be pathogenic. Ongoing studies are investigating aspects of the ecology and systematics of these viruses and their reservoirs. Ecological studies are currently examining modes of transmission between members of the host species, and environmental factors associated with increased frequency of infection. Systematic research is identifying patterns of co-evolution between the viruses and their hosts. The overall goal of these research efforts is develop predictive models that will identify times and places of increased risk and therefore provide an opportunity for risk reduction in these areas. The information resulting from these efforts will benefit individuals who live or work in close proximity to known wild rodent reservoirs and are at risk of contracting rodent borne diseases

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