Special Hot Chocolate Recipe


Um, Hot chocolate has become a, premium item in our house, ‘cause every time, we make it uh, Josh has to make it, ‘cause he has a special way of making it, with the dry, hot chocolate powder and then, a bunch of non-dairy creamer, on top then put the water in, mix it up so it has a big ole chunk of foam at the top, put it in the microwave, make sure it doesn’t, boil over ‘cause that makes a sticky mess, and it makes a nice kind of almost crunch on the top, so we don’t, we don’t get hot chocolate anywhere else, and if you make it a different way it’s like ‘agh, man’, and his is way better [laughs] we never buy it ‘cause, he can make it better, always, pretty much [her husband says something in the background] Yeah, you go outside and it’s cold, ‘hey, let’s make hot Chocolate’, I think that’s probably in lots of families, though [laughs] come in and eat, drink hot chocolate. Warm up. [Interviewer asks if there is a specific kind of hot chocolate powder Jennifer’s family always uses] Josh: uh, the cheapest Interviewer: Whatever’s cheap Josh: Whatever’s cheap Jenn: He likes the cheapest I, I would rather have Stevens, ‘cause I like the flavors Josh: I like the flavors too but Jenn: And it’s a little creamier by itself, but, he doesn’t care, it’s not chocolate-y enough, to him, he just gets the regular, Western Family, or whatever

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