Where\u27s the Data?


At Utah State University, a pilot project is under development to evaluate the benefits of tracking data sets and faculty publications using the online catalog and the Library’s institutional repository. With federal mandates to make publications and data open, universities look for solutions to track compliance. At Utah State University, the Sponsored Programs Office follows up with researchers to determine where data has been or will be deposited, per the terms of their grant. Interested in making this publicly discoverable, the Library, Sponsored Programs, and Research Office are working together to pilot a project that enables the creation of publicly accessible MARC and Dublin Core records for data deposited by USU faculty. This project aims to make data sets, as well as publications, visible in research portals such as WorldCat, as well through Google searches. This presentation will describe the project and anticipated benefits, as well as outline the roles of the cataloging staff and data librarian, and the involvement of the Research Office

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