GMO Products and the Food Industry: A Literature Review of Opinions and Behaviors by U.S. Restaurants


The health implications of genetically modified organisms (GMOs) have been the subject of considerable debate in the literature. One aspect of the debate is the apparent disconnect between what is reported in the scientific communities and what is reported in the general public. Specifically, it has been reported that while “Nearly 9 out of 10 scientists from the American Association for the Advancement of Science say GMOs are ‘generally safe’ to eat, more than half of the general public believe it is not a good idea.” This presents somewhat of a dilemma for companies, such as restaurants, who are involved in food distribution to the general public. That is, should restaurants continue to use GMO food products given assurances from the scientific community? Or, should they respond to consumer concerns by adopting at least some form of a non-GMO policy? The purpose of this review is to gain a conceptual understanding of what the food industry is saying and doing with regard to these questions. Preliminary results are explained and further research direction is given

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