Perceptions of Consulting in Inclusive Preschool Classrooms


Consulting is a method of delivering special education services in inclusive preschool classrooms (consisting of both students with disabilities and typically developing peers) where special education teachers and related service providers (consultants) visit the classroom and support general education preschool teachers (consultees) in implementing special education services and accommodations. This thesis examined the results of a survey gathering perspectives of both consultants and consultees on the definition of the consulting role and factors in building positive consulting relationships. Providers from both groups who responded to this survey defined the consultant role as working with both students and consultees, but primarily with students. Consultants gave responses calling for additional training and understanding of the consultant role, and consultees emphasized a preference for consultants to be actively involved in the classroom. While consultants and consultees agreed that they have a positive consulting relationship and that consultants are effective in supporting students and consultees, both groups also frequently mentioned a need for establishing a respectful relationship between consultants and consultees

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