Wireless Bus Interconnects for Small Satellite Systems


For small satellite engineering systems, successfully managing the hundreds of in-system interconnections caused by a wired interface is a major element in the success of a SmallSat mission. Testing, integration, and mission operation of SmallSat subsystems frequently requires system interfaces to be reconfigured for extended mission capability and system reliability. We propose a Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE) based wireless interface technology to enable post-deployment reconfiguration of in-system interfaces. This wireless inter-face will improve system reliability while enabling ad hoc system level changes and reducing the probability of subsystem failure. While a wireless interconnect brings many benefits, its implementation raises potential technical challenges, including additional power consumption, data latency, interference with ground communications, susceptibility, and emissions. This work presents the concepts of wireless interface technologies, proof-of-concept experimental results of a BLE-based wireless interface system, and analysis of effective solutions for the aforementioned technical challenges. By limiting the RF power of the wireless interfaces, the susceptibility, emissions, and power consumption were be made minimal. Latency and interference were also be minimized through software optimization and error correction techniques. Proof-of-concept prototype lab experiments demonstrate the feasibility and adaptability of the proposed technology with increased ability to reconfigure assets compared to traditional wire-based interconnects

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