First-year Experience Course: Problem Solving, Inquiry, and Integration


In an effort to address academic deficiencies outlined in recent studies, Virginia Tech’s College of Natural Resources and Environment redesigned its first-year experience class to fit their activities into three components of activities: problem solving, inquiry, and integrative learning. The problem solving component required students to define a problem, identify problem-solving strategies, and propose solutions and hypotheses. The inquiry component of the first-year experience included selecting a research topic, learning how to access information about the topic, learning how to evaluate existing information about the topic, and deciding which information to use to achieve desired results about the topic. The final component of the program, integration of learning, connected different programs of study with in-class learning and outside experience. This component also stressed exploring the relationship between student’s self and their learning experiences. To evaluate these three categories, the Motivated Strategies for Learning Questionnaire and the Information Literacy Test surveys were administered to the students at the beginning of the semester and the end of the semester in order to evaluate student growth in each category, as well as students’ own self-awareness. Quantitative analysis of these two surveys illustrates the effectiveness of the assignments associated with each component. Knowledge gained from the redevelopment of the class, quantitative analysis of the surveys, and plans for additional amendments to the class will be shared during conference proceedings

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