Absence of a Transcellular Oxalate Transport Mechanism in LLC-PK1 and MDCK Cells Cultured on Porous Supports


Transepithelial oxalate transport across polarized monolayers of LLC-PK1 cells, grown on collagen-coated microporous membranes in Transwell culture chambers, was studied in double-label experiments using [14C]-oxalate together with [3H]-D-mannitol as an extracellular marker. The [14C]-labeled glucose analog α-methyl-glucoside (α-MG) was used as functional marker for active proximal tubular sugar transport. Cellular uptake of oxalate and α-MG at both the apical and basolateral plasma membrane was determined. When added to the upper compartment, α-MG was actively taken up at the apical membrane, directed through the cells to the basolateral membrane and transported to the lower compartment, indicating functional epithelial sugar transport by LLC-PK1 cells. In LLC-PK1 cells, the uptake of α-MG at the apical membrane was approximately 50 times higher than that at the basolateral membrane. In contrast to this active transport of sugar, LLC-PK1 cells did not demonstrate oxalate uptake either at the apical or basolateral plasma membrane. The apical-to-basolateral (A- \u3e B) flux of oxalate in LLC-PK1 cells was identical to the basolateral-to-apical (B- \u3e A) oxalate flux in these cells. Moreover these flux characteristics were similar to those found for D-mannitol, indicating paracellular movement for both compounds. From these data, it is concluded that, under the experimental conditions used, LLC-PK1 cells do not exhibit a specific transcellular transport system for oxalate

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