Radiation Tolerance of Low-Cost Magnetometer for Space Applications


Knowing the three-dimensional magnetic field configuration and dynamics in space environments is key to understand the physical processes taking place. Plasma dynamics depend on the local orientation of the magnetic field, and key quantities such as pitch angle and dynamical processes such as waves and reconnection cannot be studied without in-situ measurements of the fields. For this reason, magnetometers are one of the most important instruments for space physics-focused missions. This is true both for spacecraft and also for landed missions, particularly on atmosphere-less bodies, where the space environment interacts directly with the surface. To enable the next generation of small spacecraft and landers, sensors need to be low-cost and withstand the harsh radiation environment present in space. Here we present the latest advances in the characterization of a commercial-off-the-shelf three-dimensional magnetometer,summarizing previous and newresults from radiation tests. The sensor shows tolerance up to a total ionization dose (TID) of 300 krad, levels well beyond those typical for a low-Earth orbit mission, and compliant with those expected during a landed mission on the Jovian moon Europa

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