The Past in the Present . Looking Inside Collective Reincorporation of FARC-EP Ex-Members


In 2016, the Colombian government signed the peace agreement with the Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia-People’s Army (FARC-EP) and aimed to reintegrate more than 13,000 ex-combatants into society based on a collective reincorporation approach. This approach promotes alternatives for social, economic and political reincorporation beyond Disarmament, Demobilisation and Reintegration (DDR) standards by valuing the ex-combatants’ legacy in conflict times. This research aims to analyse under a sociological micro-perspective the meanings, transitions, dimensions and relationships around collective reincorporation. Instead of focusing on a single dimension on reintegration, I analyse how these dimensions are present and interact in FARC-EP ex-members everyday practices. I discuss the influence that former comrades, families, surrounding communities and institutions have on the configuration of ex-combatants’ legacy, identity, social capital, concept of citizenship and agency. Based on a trans-local perspective, I use a multi-sited ethnography approach to make an in-depth analysis of the everyday life of FARC-EP ex-members and their commonalities beyond geographical boundaries in three territories in which they are collectively settled. I find that the building of relationships among FARC-EP ex-members and the use of their agency contribute in not just their reincorporation process, but also in the transformation of the social, political and economic dynamics of their surroundings. I conclude by saying that the social visibility of FARC-EP ex-members becomes an alternative to increase local agency, and a valuable strategy to break the divide between past and present trajectories. Therefore, collective reincorporation is an approach to social transformation in which FARC-EP ex-members through their collective initiatives, become visible agents of change in peacebuilding

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