Merlion L & S Band System


Under the MERLION project name, Nanyang Technological University of Singapore has teamed up with Surrey Satellite Technology Ltd. of the UK and developed a sophisticated communication payload on the UoSAT-12 mini-satellite which was launched recently. The MERLION payload combines an analogue and digital regenerative transponder, with L-band uplink and S-band downlink. The transponder can be configured in-orbit for a variety of functions and experiments, and carries dual signal processors. The digital uplink comprises a frequency agile L-band receiver, and 9600bps FSK and IMbps BPSK demodulators. The frequency agile digital S-band downlink is intended for high speed data transfer and will be employed to perform a variety of communication experiments. It is also capable of low bit rate spread spectrum communications, together with convolutional coding options to investigate its performance in the highly dynamic environment of LEO. The downlink can be configured to perform link characterisation at these frequencies. In conjunction with the 80386EX based On-Board-Computers, the digital uplink and downlink system can be configured into a high rate Store-and-Forward transponder. This paper would introduce the basic Medion architecture and design considerations, to realise the above functionality within the scope of a low cost mission

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