Emergence and Survival of Four Introduced Wheatgrasses as Influenced by Rate and Season of Planting on Abandoned Farm Lands of Utah


A great deal has been accomplished in developing methods of restoring abused lands through seeding, yet there is much to be desired in refinement of techniques and in substantiation of previous experimental results. Controversial opinions as to the best season of planting indicate that additional trials are needed. New species need to be introduced, developed, and proved. methods are needed which lead to more efficient utilization of those factors limiting the degree of success in establishment. Since moisture is the most predominant limiting factor throughout the arid and semi-arid range land, special attention is given to more efficient utilization of the precipitation. Because of the above, a study was made involving 3 recently introduced species of Agropyron-intermediate wheatgrass (Agropyron intermedium), stiff-hair wheatgrass (A. trichophorum), and tall wheatgrass (A. elongatum). Performance of each is compared to that of crested wheatgrass (A. cristatum). The species were seeded on adjacent plots, measuring 20 by 50 feet, in all combinations of the following: 2 seasons of planting, 3 intensities of seeding, and 3 spacings between drill rows

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