Digital Microfluidics as a Reconfiguration Mechanism for Antennas


This dissertation work concentrates on novel reconfiguration technologies, including design, microfabrication, and characterization aspects with an emphasis on their applications to multifunctional reconfigurable antennas. In the literature, reconfigurable antennas have made use of various reconfiguration techniques. The most common techniques utilized revolved around switching mechanisms. Other techniques such as the incorporation of variable capacitors, varactors, and physical structure manipulation surfaced recently to overcome many problems faced in using switches and their biasing. Usage of fluids (micro-fluidic or otherwise) in antennas provides a conceptually easy reconfiguration mechanism in the aspect of physical alteration. However, a requirement of pumps, valves, etc. for liquid transportation makes the antenna implementations rather impractical for the real-life scenarios. This work reports on design and experiments conducted to evaluate the electrowetting on dielectric (EWOD) driven digital microfluidics as a reconfiguration mechanism for antennas

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