Frisbee – A Platform for a Small Satellite Science Swarms


The FRISBEE multi-mission platform is presented, alongside the mission concept for SWARM (Space Weather Advanced Research Mission), a fleet of 30 or more microsatellites launched in groups of 5 and covering a range of local times and inclinations. The aim of this mission is to develop an understanding of the dynamic, global, and multiscale solar terrestrial interactions. The scientific payload is restricted to a dc magnetometer and electrostatic charged particle (ion and electron) analyser, providing both high time resolution and characterisation of collisionless plasma processes. The baseline satellite swarm can be launched in a variety of configurations and be augmented by future launches of identical satellites to provide greater coverage and density of measurement. The satellites require only loose formation control to ensure equal separation throughout the set of orbits defined in this document. The individual satellites are spin stabilized and each have a mass \u3c 25 kg. This mission represents the next step in understanding the solar terrestrial interaction and the potential results will be of great interest to the space science community at large. This mission has a true requirement for a swarm such that it can sample the magnetosphere in three dimensions and with sufficient density of measurements. The spacecraft required for this proposed mission could be designed and built within 24 months as most of the platform and payload technologies are re-used from previous missions. The mission has the potential for international collaboration, with provision of spacecraft platforms and world-leading scientific research. A demonstration of this mission has been down-selected by the Particle Physics and Astronomy Research Council (PPARC) for potential funding in the UK National MOSAIC small satellite programme

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