Historical and Projected Municipal and Industrial Water Usage in Utah 1960-2020


This publication reports the results of a municipal and industrial water use inventory. Data reported covers the period 1960 through 1976. Time series information is aggregated from municipal and industrial system level to country and state totals. Total municipal and industrial withdrawals are divided between surface and groundwater sources. Yearly per capital withdrawal rates are estimated for 50 Utah municipalities and for each of Utah’s 29 counties. Per capita withdrawal rates range from a high of over 400 gallons per capita per day (gcd) in the communities of Delta, Fillmore, Hyrum, Logan, and Morgan to a low of 100 gcd in Bountiful, Washington, Terrace, Centerville, and South Ogden. A three year average (1974, 1975, and 1976) of Utah’s per capita withdrawal rate is 262 gcd. Also reported are return flow rates for 13 Utah waste treatment facilities. Withdrawal and return flow rates are also reported for Utah’s major water using industries. These rates are reported in gallons per employee per day (or gallons per unit of output). The publication also discusses methodologies for projecting municipal and industrial usage in Utah to the year 2020. Also reported are population projections for multicounty districts, counties and major cities by ten year intervals from 1960-2020

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