Energy Impacts of Water Based Recreation


The overall objective of the study reported here was to determine to what extent energy accounting could supplement and/or complement economic benfit/cost analyses of water management projects and to specifically examine the energy impacts of water based recreation. The energy accounting literature was carefully reviewed and an energy accounting methodology applicable to water management was devised. Data pertaining to receation at five reservoirs in Utah were assembled from visitation recoreds and on-site surveys. Energy requirements for site construction, travel to and from the recreation site, and recreation at the site were estimated. It was determined that energy devoted to water based recreation is not inconsequential. As much energy is devoted to recreation at Lake Powell alone as is required for all of production agriculture in Utah. It is suggested that while the models developed in this study could be used with confidence in the preparation of energy impact statements the authors are not persuaded energy accounting provides additional information to water use planners beyong that obtainable from traditional economic analysis

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