Brief Experimental Analysis of Reading Intervention Components for English-Language Learners


Identifying effective instructional modifications for English-language learners (ELL) experiencing reading problems is a difficult task given the vast individual differences in language proficiency, motivation, and school experience. To address this issue, this study investigated the utility of brief experimental analysis as a means to quickly identify the most effective instructional components to increase reading performance for five ELL. Using a multielement design, five treatments were administered one by one with increasing language support. There were individual differences in response and effective treatments were identified for all participants. Further, an extended analysis of alternating baseline conditions with the hypothesized effective treatment indicated that selected interventions increased reading rates for four participants over time. A combination of the two most effective interventions based on results from the brief experimental analysis increased reading performance for the fifth student. These procedures appear to hold promise for quickly identifying effective instructional components for individual ELL

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