Inventory of Non-Energy Sources of Greenhouse Gas Emissions in Hawaii Phase I


International concern for global climate change has stimulated a wide range of data gathering and analysis efforts worldwide. The recognition that certain atmospheric gases, many of which are anthropogenic in origin, have the capacity to absorb infrared radiation-and thus trap heat in the atmosphere--has focused research efforts on these so-called "greenhouse" gases. In order for a country to assess its contribution to such global warming, it must first develop an emissions inventory of greenhouse gas sources and sinks. In the United States, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has recently published such an inventory (U.S. EPA, 1994) and has been funding the efforts of each state to develop their own inventories of sources of greenhouse gas emissions (U.S. EPA, 1995, hereafter titled the State Phase I Workbook). It is this latter document which serves as the basis for the present report by providing the bulk of its overall methodology.Clean Air Branch, Department of Health, State of Hawai

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