Differential gene expression in response to consumption of varying 2-amino-1-methyl-6-phenylimidazo [4,5-b]pyridine (PhIP) levels of well-done red meat


M.S. University of Hawaii at Manoa 2012.Includes bibliographical references.Background: Heart disease and cancer are the top two causes of mortality in the United States. Diet is recognized to play a significant role in the prevention of both. Limitation of red meat in the diet has been recommended to decrease chances of developing these maladies. Components in red meat suspected to contribute to disease development include heterocyclic amines formed from well-done preparation. Elucidating the genes/pathways that are affected by the consumption of well-done red meat may aid in the prevention and treatment of these diseases. Methods: 30 participants were asked to maintain a low heterocyclic amine diet for three weeks and then fed one meal of well-done meat of varying PhIP levels five days a week for four weeks. Peripheral blood samples were obtained at the end of the low heterocyclic amine phase and the conclusion of the well-done meat feeding phase. mRNA was isolated and transformed into single stranded cDNA before hybridization to Affymetrix Human Gene 1.0 Sense Target Arrays. Differential gene expression between PhIP group levels and pre-feeding and post-feeding samples was tested using the ANCOVA model in Partek analysis software. Results: Differential gene expression was found in ten genes with the consumption of different PhIP levels. All ten may be associated with the acquisition of the ability of the cell to become malignant. One gene associated with heart disease, diabetes, and angiogenesis was found to be differentially up-regulated in the Asian group. Conclusions: Consumption of well-done meat of varying PhIP levels may lead to the up-regulation of genes associated with the progression of normal cells to malignant cells

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