
An Approach to Gain Score Dependability & Validity for Criterion-Referenced Language Tests


Much of the recent work on criterion-referenced language testing addresses the issues of item writing and cut score dependability. Cdterion-referenced item writing is centrally concemed with determining the content congruence and leamability of each item's content. Cut score dependability focuses on the consistency of decisions in repeated testing or the assessment of language leamer performances. A more general issue related to language program development also involves empirical rationalization of cut score decisions. In this case the issue is of determining the optimal index of gain score dependability in the pre-instruction and post-instruction approach to assessing the language learning gains. The present paper examines a commonly used approach to assessing gain score dependability. Thc optimal index of gain score dependability is derived from examining the cut score dependability of the pre-instructional administration of the criterion-referenced test as well as the postinstructional criterion-referenced test, in relation to differences in the ratio of pre and post instruction variances. The database for the present paper comes from a preinstruction administration of an academic Iistening test followed by a counterbalanced post-instruction administration of an altemate form of the same test after one semester of instruction. The subjects were 213 advanced ESL learners at a large American university English language institute

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