
Semantic context effects in forward and backward word translation by Korean learners of English


The preceding review indicates that the results of previous research on the issues of the RHM are not consistent. The present study was designed to investigate this topic further with Korean learners of English. Most of the previous research on semantic context effects in lexical processing has been conducted with participants whose first and second language derive from the same Indo-European family such as Dutch learners of English. The use of Korean learners of English would provide distinct information, since the two languages differ considerably. In addition, this study sought to clarify the possible interaction of semantic context effects and L2 proficiency level. According to Chen (1990), research results have demonstrated that proficiency plays a main role for patterns of lexical processing. In spite of the acknowledged importance of this, there are very few empirical studies of different groups of participants with varying degrees of proficiency in the L2. This study sought to answer the following research questions: 1. Is forward translation conceptually mediated? Is backward translation based on word-word association? 2. Are both or either translation directions facilitated by the presence of a semantically related context? 3. Does L2 proficiency mediate semantic effects in both or either translation directions

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