Inverted Fluorescence Microscope


Team F13 is composed of Trevor Blythe, Spencer Hann, Matthew Pfeiffer, and Thomas Eggenberger. We are all majoring in mechanical engineering and in our final year of study here at Cal Poly San Luis Obispo. This project is a continuation of a 2019-2020 senior project. The previous team designed and built a functioning inverted fluorescence microscope (IFM) from scratch. This device was created as a lab tool for undergraduate students to be able to perform experiments on microfluidic devices constructed in Cal Poly’s Microfabrication Laboratory. Although substantially functional, several design constraints had not yet been met. Our team has improved microscope robustness and functionality for practical undergraduate lab use. To do this, we set overarching goals including decreasing microscope footprint, increasing the accuracy of microscope positional repeatability, and improving user-friendliness. Within this Final Design Review report, the full design, manufacturing, and testing processes of this project are explicitly detailed, as well as project logistics, future suggestions, and project management

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