Portable Calorimeter for Fire Experiments


Executive Summary An oxygen consumption calorimeter works by measuring the heat release rate of a burning substance. This value is calculated by measuring the oxygen and byproducts in smoke from afire.In order to get these values two types of sensors were used. A non-dispersive infrared sensor (NDIR) that measured CO and CO2 and a zirconium O2 sensor were used to find their respective gas concentrations.The design to calculate the heat release rate is focused on maximizing sensor accuracy and portability while simplifying the manufacturing by using off-the-shelf components. The goal included making the system simple to recreate and package in a portable system.Multiple designs were considered to ensure that the system would be portable. The final design is focused on working around the Crestline 7911 NDIR sensor and AO2 Citacel sensor. The other key components include the microcontroller, pump, power supply, air filter, and mounting platform, which were designed around these two sensors. These components are packaged together in a briefcase that will house the components and protect them during transportation and usage. This flexibility for transportation allows the system to be used in different locations.The oxygen consumption calorimeter also has several specific design specifications that it will meet. These fall under three categories: safety, usability, and data acquisition. Safety considerations involve ensuring that the system is not exposed to excessive heat, well insulated, does not deflect or fracture, etc. To ensure the usability of the device, the engineering team will record issues and the appropriate solutions for hardware and software issues to establish a working guideline for future users.Another key specification category is data acquisition. It is important for the system accurately acquire data and that the system is calibrated properly. This document will serve as the scope of work and as a design report for the mechanical engineering team working on the Portable Calorimeter for Fire Experiments project. The objective of this document is to define the problem and detail the steps that were taken to design the portable oxygen consumption calorimeter

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