The Intersection of Information Ethics and Policy: Challenges and Opportunities for LIS Educators


The purpose of this session is to 1) present actual strategies and/or resources for addressing ethics and policy in LIS courses, and 2) engage the audience in discussions about the implications of ethics and policy in LIS instruction and research. The presentations in this peerreviewed panel will present diverse perspectives on the nature of information ethics and policy, and the relationship between them. These presentations highlight the role of ethics in policy, including real world examples highly relevant to LIS education and research. They include: • Lucy Santos Green and Melissa Johnston will present Educating Future LIS Scholars and Professionals on Ethical Publishing Policy for Scholarly Research. • A.J. Million and Johanna Bleckman will present Research Data Management and Street Level Bureaucracy. • Lesley Farmer will present Taking Ethical Responsibility for Addressing Fake News. • Michele Villagran and Suliman Hawamdeh will present Information Ethics from a Multicultural Perspective: Content Analysis of Library and Information Science Publications. • Dian Walster will present Using Student Created Scenarios to Teach Professional Ethics. The panel will begin with a brief introduction on the topic (5 minutes), followed by five 15 minute presentations (75 minutes). Panelists will conclude the session with a discussion related to the implications for LIS instruction and research (10 minutes)

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