Larval and Pupal Systematics of Nearctic Amphisbatinae and Depressariinae (Lepidoptera: Oecophoridae)


300 p.Thesis (Ph.D.)--University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, 1995.The systematic position of the Depressariinae (Oecophoridae) was investigated using a series of cladistic analyses. Two clades within the superfamily Gelechioidea are proposed, Gelechiiformes and Oecophoriformes. The former clade is defined by the position of D1, D2 and SD1 on the larval ninth abdominal segment. Oecophoridae belongs to the Oecophoriformes, a taxon united by the presence of muscle M7 in the male genitalia and hidden pupal labial palpi. An analysis of oecophorid subfamilies showed that Depressariinae is paraphyletic. The tribe Amphisbatini lacks apomorphies that define Depressariinae in the strict sense, for example, larvae with P2 posterolaterad of P1 and pupae with tubular mesothoracic spiracle and lateral condyles. Thus, Amphisbatini is raised to a subfamily, Amphisbatinae, while Ethmiinae and Depressariinae (redefined) are sister groups based on synapomorphies of the larval P setae and their pubescent pupal cuticular texture. An analysis of Nearctic depressariine genera showed that Nites is the most primitive genus whereas Agonopterix and Exaeretia are most advanced. The stalking of the cubital vein in the forewing and presence of adult ocelli are two useful characters defining advanced depressariine genera.Larval and pupal keys to North American families of Gelechioidea, subfamilies of Oecophoridae, and genera of Amphisbatinae and Depressariinae are also presented. Representatives of most genera of North American amphisbatine and depressarine immature stages are described and illustrated.Ope

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