
L’utilizzazione di manodopera altrui in agricoltura e in edilizia: possibilità, rischi e rimedi sanzionatori = The use of others' labor in agriculture and construction: possibilities, risks and sanctioning remedies. WP C.S.D.L.E. “Massimo D’Antona”.IT – 357/2018


The essay analyses the phenomenon of the exploitation of workers in the agriculture and construction sectors. First, it examines labour markets structural characteristics to verifiy the different diffusion of the phenomenon. In this view, temporary work and other specific forms of employment contracts, as "workers exchanges" or "worker sharing", have been analysed. Then, the essay focuses on the recent criminal law discipline for a first evaluation of the possible effects. Particularly, by looking at the other reforms concerning the agricoltural labour market, the Author suggests the importance of regulating such fenomenon with a different approach capable to overcome the mere repressive logic and to focus on incentives regulation. It's necessary, specialy in the agricultural labour market, to engrave on the economic conveniences

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