
The Irish Energy Market – Putting the Consumer First. ESRI WP145. August 2002


Ireland has a long history of promoting the interests of producers instead of the interests of consumers. This emphasis must be understood in the context of our twentieth century history - a dependence on agriculture and a shortage of suitable employment. In their report on Regulatory Reform of the Irish economy the OECD (2001) noted the extent of the “producer focus” in Ireland, and the resulting reduced emphasis on the benefits of competition. The OECD report suggested that if the competitiveness of the Irish economy is to be sustained in the future, action will have to be taken to redress the balance in favour of competition and the consumer. It is from this background that I approach the principles that should inform Irish energy policy. Ultimately the objective of policy makers should be to minimise the cost of energy to Irish consumers in the long run, while ensuring that the supply of energy in its different forms is secure

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