
NEAR or FEAR: The Security Aspects of EU Enlargement. College of Europe Policy Brief #5, 17 May 2017


Executive Summary. The EU’s enlargement towards the Western Balkans and Turkey would represent an enlargement towards a geographical zone neighbouring instability and insecurity. At the same time, the integration of these countries in the EU would represent the main solution to the security problems that emanate from this region. > Yet, at present, a major obstacle for the EU’s enlargement policy stems from within the Union. > This obstacle can be overcome: ‘enlargement’ can once again bring dynamism into the European integration process, if it is designed to become a solution to the problem of security through solidarity against terror and coordination on migration management. > To this effect, decision-makers in EU institutions and member states need to face the fear that the prospect of another enlargement often represents. Debates about enlargement should be upheld not only by EU policy-makers, but also by academia and civil society organisations. Enlargement concerns Europe’s common future, which needs to be built together

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