Fate and Transport of Manure Estrogenic Compounds During Integrated Treatment for Water Quality and Bioenergy Production


An integrated manure treatment system, including a mixed algal-bacterial bioreactor (MABB) and hydrothermal conversion of biosolids to biofuels, was found to remove 76-97% of the total estrogenic hormones from the liquid portion of animal manure. The resulting biosolids mixture could be hydrothermally converted into either biocrude oil with a yield of up to 40% yield, or syngas with a yield of up to 54%. Adding biologically activated carbon in the MABB enhanced the removal of estrogenic hormones (+7.2%), cytotoxicity (+58%), and heavy metals (+10%). Thus, the novel manure treatment system proposed in this study highlights a new paradigm that can simultaneously reduce the release of emerging contaminants from animal manure to the environment and provide value-added bioenergy co-products to help offset the cost of providing environmental benefits.Ope

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