Towards expressive mobile robots


Given the increase in robotic systems for the household, it is imperative to design the expressive modes of these systems, that in turn engender likability, animacy, acceptance, trust and adoption. This paper approaches this problem by proposing a design methodology that can be used to abstract archetypal characters across the system, including form factor, user instructions, and interactive modalities. This approach uses Laban Movement Analysis paired with the Kansei Engineering iterative design approach to dissect movement and visual traits of archetypal characters and marry them to features of the robot and user experience. Specifically, these character traits are explored in a product, channel, consumer framework and are realized through tangible interface elements, such as color, animated eyes, and character specific motion profiles. Finally, the use of priming using familiar characters from popular culture as a means to enhance the recognition of character traits is explored. The effectiveness of this methodology is tested in a user-study, where participants play a game of tic-tac-toe with an aerial robot in virtual reality. Results show that users associated traits specific to each character archetype that were consistent with the intended design. This was bolstered in the priming cases, where users rated these traits more strongly. This was followed by the design and construction of a hardware platform that showcases this methodology, for two platforms, a ground robot and an aerial robot. Finally, the use of a performance setting as a tool for priming potential users is explored, outlined in the performance piece, ”Time to Compile”. Interviews with stakeholders were conducted throughout this work and have informed the approach taken and will be briefly outlined in this thesis as well. This methodology serves as a tool to create meaningful design variations to robotic systems using character archetypes, allowing us to design user- specific personality traits and interactive elements

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