2015-2016 Illinois Waterfowl Hunter Report: Harvest, Youth Hunts, and Season Preferences


A total of 2,012(44%response rate) Illinois waterfowl hunters responded to the 2015-16Illinois Waterfowl Hunter Survey. An estimated 40,104waterfowl hunters spent795,289days afield, adecreaseof 19% from the 982,193 days devoted during the 2014-2015license year. Waterfowl harvest decreased11.4%, from 550,946 during 2014-15to 488,321during 2015-16.Duck harvest estimates for the regular duck season were as follows: 166,506mallards (Anas platyrhynchos), 43,655wood ducks (Aix sponsa), and 119,619other ducks. A total of 28,031teal (Anasspp.) were harvested during the September teal season. Goose hunters harvested 75,198Canada geese (Branta canadensis) during the regular Canada goose season, a 14.2% decreasefrom the 87,672Canadageese harvested during the 2014-15regular goose season. Hunters harvested 15,693Canada geese during the September Canada goose season, a 17.8% decreasefrom the previous year. During the Youth Waterfowl Hunting Season, 4,718adults took 6,291youths waterfowl hunting, a 26.3% decrease in adult participation and a 26.6% decrease in youth participation from the 2014-15Youth Waterfowl Hunting Season.Duck huntercommitment to waterfowl hunting, preferences for season and zones,and satisfaction with the waterfowl seasons are also discussed.U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service Federal Aid Project Number W-112-R-25Illinois Department of Natural Resource, Division of Wildlifeunpublishednot peer reviewe

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