Facilitating multisyllabic productions & assessing sympathetic arousal in children with developmental disorders


Speech-language impairments represent one of the most common developmental disorders, ranging from 1.3-14.3%. In particular the ability to combine syllables represents an important developmental milestone that is delayed or impaired in a variety of clinically-identified populations. However, evidence to support specific treatment practices in this area is relatively sparse. In addition, limited information is available regarding how children's sympathetic arousal is associated with interventions. Recent technological advances in electrodermal activity (EDA) interfaces, as seen in the Q sensor (Affectiva, 2012), provide the opportunity to conduct in situ EDA assessments. EDA is sensitive to both cognitive and emotional states and processes, thereby offering the potential to derive information regarding children’s internal states during intervention. The present study 1) examined the effectiveness of an integrated speech-language intervention in increasing children's multisyllabic productions, 2) assessed the associations between in situ EDA and off-line behavioral coding of emotional valence, and 3) examined the association among different EDA measures.Ope

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