
Status Revision and Update for Illinois' Fish Species in Greatest Need of Conservation: 2012 Annual Project Report


Work during this reporting period focused on gathering fisheries data relevant to distribution, abundance and ecological characteristicsof fish in Illinois and summarizing those data to reevaluate portions of the Illinois Comprehensive Wildlife Conservation Plan and Strategy (IWAP). Fisheries databases and museum collections from seven sources along withsurveys of Illinois fisheries experts have been utilized to conduct a comprehensive quantitative and qualitative assessment of Illinois fish Species in Greatest Need of Conservation (SGNC)to assist with updating and revisingAppendix I and II of the IWAP.This annual progress report summarizes work conducted for the period1 January 2011 –31 December 2011.Illinois Department of Natural Resources State Wildlife Grant / Project Number (T-68-R-001)unpublishednot peer reviewedOpe

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