
Introducing the Author-ity Exporter, and a case study of geo-temporal movement of authors


We introduce a web service, Author-ity Exporter, that permits searching and exporting data from Author-ity -- a database that has PubMed author names disambiguated with a high degree of accuracy [1]. Each author is represented by a cluster of papers annotated by publication count, time-span, affiliations, topics, journals, co-authors, citations as well as imputed data from MapAffil [2], Genni [3], and Ethnea [4] and links to their NIH/NSF grants and USPTO patents; and we have plans for more. This service should enable and simplify new types of author-centered bibliometric analyses with a unique strength in funding, geography, and diversity (gender, ethnicity, and professional age). We also present an illustrative case study of modeling of authorsโ€™ career movements to and from a specific city based on data retrieved from Author-ity Exporter. The service (and the R code used in the case study) are available at P01AG039347Ope

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