Graduate School of Library and Information Science, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
This talk will have two parts: First, I'm going to describe very briefly what this new kind of library technology is like through a discussion of the Worm Community System (WCS), why it is going to be very important, and why it will involve a lot of money. What I want to emphasize at the start
is that while WCS may seem like an esoteric research project, in fact it is
one of the flagship information projects funded by the National Science
Foundation. In addition, the National Information Infrastructure Act looms
in the immediate future, authorizing an enormous amount of money to be
spent in the development of digital libraries in specialized areas. Digital libraries
will require information systems like WCS. This project has become a national
model of this new kind of information system, but its primary content is really
just a special collection, in the same sense you already know. It is an important
national effort, but there will be lots of other efforts like this in many different
subject areas.
Second, I'm going to discuss in more detail what kinds of people are required
to do this kind of activity. The roles range from traditional librarians all the
way to systems architects. Similarly, the roles range from those that involve
no computer knowledge at all to those that involve very intensive computing.
My expectation is that people who call themselves "librarians" in the foreseeable
future will actually span this entire range, even though now they are significantly
skewed towards the traditional end.published or submitted for publicatio