
Functional genre in Illinois State Government digital documents


Provisions for collecting or archiving digital documents can be informed by knowledge of the genres of documents likely to be encountered. Although different aspects of collecting and curation may classify documents into genres based on differing criteria (e.g., size, file format, subject), this document addresses classification based on the functional role the document plays in state government, akin to (Toms, 2001), but here specifically Illinois State Government (ISG). The classifications listed herein are based on an overview of ISG digital documents, encountered in over nine years of gathering and archiving work with and for the Illinois State Library (ISL), and on discussions with practitioners in cataloging and in government documents librarianship. This report states definitions, and including examples of each such genre. State government documents are interesting in this regard in that they are presumably somewhat comparable to both federal government documents and business documents. Perhaps surprisingly, there are also portions of the State Web that are somewhat less than businesslike, either in tone or in technological proficiency of implementation. In this respect state government digital documents may also be useful approximations to documents produced either personally or by small activities. Having a list of government document genres can inform work in information promulgation (e.g., through website design, or the design of a series of printed materials), and the grouping of documents for digital library or archival purposes.Library of Congress / NDIIPP-2 A6075unpublishednot peer reviewe

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