Safety of Antria Cell Preparation Process to Enhance Facial Fat Grafting with Adipose Derived Stem Cells


The use of adipose tissue transfer in plastic and reconstructive surgery is not new and has been studied for more than a century but problems such as unpredictability in results and a low rate of graft survival due to partial necrosis were always among major concerns [1]. However, emerging information regarding the potential of adipose derived stem cells, new methods of cell extraction, graft preparation and injection techniques have increased the popularity of fat transfer and the efforts toward development of cell based therapies for various diseases from Adipose Derived Stem Cells (ADSC’s) and Stromal Vascular Fraction (SVF) of the adipose tissue. Although the mechanism of action of those stem cells is not fully known, their paracrine activities and transformation to various cell types can be responsible for reported clinical outcomes [1,2]. Many clinicians and researchers report better outcomes in fat grafting upon addition of SVF cells [1,2]. This study aims to investigate the long-term (3 years) safety of Antria’s cell preparation process utilizing a digestive enzyme in SVF assisted fat grafting. The outcomes of this study was utilized to conduct further safety and efficacy studies to obtain regulatory and marketing approval for a novel SVF extraction method in the U

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